Epic Calculator has gone local!

Epic Calculator may be available for your computer! The following are the compatible operating systems, and the currenct version with the download link:



Mac v0.8.2rev5
Windows VB-0.9-Alpha
Windows (Autoinstall) VB-0.9-rev5-Alpha
Linux v0.71 Alpha

Epic Calculator is also available for command line!

Epic Calculator is also available in command line form!


File type

Mac v0.82 Alpha
Windows v0.81 Alpha
Linux v0.81 Alpha

Some extra tools

Epic SigFig Solver Command Line is available for download. New features (Such as descriptions, display of significant figures, etc.) will be available soon. You may download for Windows:

Click Me For SigFig Solver!

Source Code?

A source code (with API) will

be available for download very soon.

Please note that all crossed out links are unavailable because:
1. They are under development.
2. A bug/glich has been found, and an update is being created.
Thank you for your patients